In this article, you will find a short introduction to Forms, as well as tips, tricks, and articles for working with Forms. 


What is a form?

Forms are the information carriers of the process. Almost all processes need to utilize forms as they transport and gather information between the users, the performers, and the systems. 

These three different icons show the different types of forms: 

Form template - a new empty form for the user to fill in 

Data Object - information already added in a form template that can be shown or edited in a later step of the process.

Form Collection - a setting that can transform a Data Object into a Data Collection. A Collection can be seen as a container or virtual folder. It is possible to create the same form multiple times and it is possible to configure and "handle" all those forms in bulk through the Collection.

How do I build my first Form?

The article, "How To: Create Your First e-form", is a great tool for learning how to build your first Form.

Data input and Data output

You can set whether a form should be editable or just read-only in a Task by configuring the direction of the arrow between the data object and the task. Default the data objects are editable, data output. 

Data input - (The arrow is pointing away from the form) the form is read-only for the person viewing it in the task.

Data output - (The arrow is pointing towards the form) the form is both readable and editable for the person viewing it in the task.

Adding Rules in Forms

When using forms in your processes it can be useful to change form field settings depending on previous selections or inputs in the form. The rules editor makes it easy to change if a field is optional or not, hidden or shown, or if it is enabled or disabled according to conditions depending on previous inputs in the form. Read more on this here

Tips and tricks for working with Forms

  • All forms have support for View Modes. Read more about view modes in the article View Modes
  • When creating listeners, the best practice is to create a text field with the name "scriptField". Add listeners as attributes to that field and then in turn, reference that field and the attribute when calling them.
  • Key values in a drop-down list in combination with rules and gateways: If you enter key values in a drop-down list as below, you must be aware that gateways and rules in the form are controlled by the key value and NOT the value that is actually displayed in the drop-down list: 

The application is granted; 1

The application is rejected; 2

The application is granted in part; 3


Q: How do I change if a field in a Form is optional or not, hidden or shown, or if it is enabled or disabled? 

A: The article Rules Editor, explains how to format these options in Forms. You can read it here.  

Q: How can I create drop-down lists in my forms?

A: To create a drop-down list you need to create a value list in the space settings.

After the value list is created, you can find the dropdown list in the form editor under Metadata fields (Single select, Multi-select, or extended value list).

Q: How do the various arrows affect the editability and visibility of forms?

A: Please see the section Associations in the article Common BPMN symbols.

Read more about forms in these articles

About the Form Editor

These articles provide more information on using the Form Editor. 

Attachments Folder 

Copying a Form between Applications

Process aware forms

Rules editor

Automatically upgrade Form Rules and Conditions

Form Elements

These articles provide more information on Form Elements.

Field Attributes

Manage Forms

These articles provide more information on managing Forms.

Add forms to your process

Create form templates

Process aware forms

Attachments Folder

Copying a form between applications

Rules editor

Automatically upgrade Form Rules and Conditions

Tutorials for Applications

These articles provide tutorials on using applications with Forms. 

HOW TO: Authenticate and initiate an instance via REST-API

HOW TO: Create your first e-form

HOW TO: Download process model as PDF

HOW TO: Hide GUI attributes

HOW TO: Make a form accessible for an external user.

These articles are great resources for learning more about working with Forms.

Data Collections

Copying a form between applications

Using textfields to list selected checkboxes/radio buttons