Frequently Asked Questions: Administration


Q: What is a contract? 

A: The Contract dictates what functionalities you are allowed to use and how many users you can invite to your organization's spaces in Process Automation.


Q: Who can see and manage Contracts in Process Automation?

A: Only the Contract Owner and Contract administrators have access to the Contract Management page


Q: Where do I find the Contract Management page? 

A: If you are a Contract Owner or contract administrator you will find a button called Manage Contract when hovering your user name in the top right corner of Process Automation. 


Q: Where can I see the users in my Contract? 

A: You can see and edit all user accounts that are connected to your Contract under Users on the Contract Management page. 


Q: What user accounts are consuming Licenses from my Contract? 

A: All user accounts that are Enabled are consuming licenses. 


Q: How do I add users to My Contract?

A: There are two ways to add users to a Contract. Either as the Contract Owner from the Contract Management page or as a Space Administrator from the Space settings page. 


Q: How do I add Spaces to my Contract? 

A: There are two ways to add Spaces to a Contract. Either from the Contract Management page or from the Start page


Note: If you cannot add spaces it is probably because you do not have permission to create Spaces. The default setting is that only the Contract Owner has permission to create Spacesbut this permission can be delegated to other users as well.  For a details on how to allow users to create Spaces, view the article here


Q: How do I disable/enable users?

A: You can disable/enable users connected to your Contract under Users on the Contract Management page. Find a detailed article on this here