In this article, you will find information on how to get the most out of our Help Center. 


How to search on the Help Center

In the Help Center, you will find many helpful articles that can help you remember how to do something or teach you a new skill. You can search for these in the search bar using the keywords of what you would like help with or by going to the section where you need help. If you do not find what you are looking for, try adding more words or do the search by using other words. Below are two articles that are useful for getting started with Process Automation.  

Note: The search field only works in English. For a guide on commonly used Swedish terms in English click here.


In the image below you can see all the available categories in our Help Center. It is easy to navigate by hovering the mouse over the icons to see what information they contain. Click on the folders to see the articles in that folder. Click on the article name to access the article.

New Feature Releases for InRule Process Automation

Under the Introduction icon, you can find the Release Notes folder. It contains notes on changes and improvements that can be found in each new release of Process Automation.

Article Change Log

To find a list of updates that have been made to articles in the Help Center, go to the Introduction icon and find the folder Change Log Process A Help Articles.


InRule Process Automation in Swedish

 If you use Process Automation in Swedish, you need to search the Help Center in English, since the articles are in English. To access our glossary of commonly used terms from Swedish to English, click here.


Below you can find links to frequently asked questions. For your convenience, we have sorted them by category of questions.

Support Tickets for Process Automation 

If you can’t find what you are searching for and need additional support, create a support ticket. You must be logged in to see the New Support Ticket and Check Ticket Status options. They appear under the search bar. To ask for help with a specific problem click New Support Ticket and fill out the information in the form that appears. If you are not logged in, you can create a support ticket by sending an email to the support team here

Note: When submitting tickets, don't forget to add a clear description of the issue along with the URL-link and if possible print screens. This will help the support team give you a more detailed and helpful solution.

Once you have created a ticket, you can check if your ticket has been answered or not by choosing Check Ticket Status. Here you can also view support tickets shared on the company level. If this is not visible, please get in touch with our support to make that setting available.

If you need additional Process Automation support services, you can find contact information here

Let us know how we are doing!

We hope this helps you access the many useful articles and tools available here in the Help Center! 

You can let us know how you feel about the articles by pressing the Yes/No buttons below any article. 
We appreciate all feedback!

You can also answer some short questions about our documentation in this survey.