The integration between InRule Process Automation and the InRule Decision Platform allows you to leverage the power of decisions inside your Processes. To utilize this integration, you will need to configure the Execute Decision component in Process Automation to point to your execution service, add the InRule Service account to your process, then add the Execute Decision component to your process. This will allow you to execute rules and decisions inside a process. 

Below is an overview of the end-to-end process for executing a decision with InRule.

Note: This feature is only available in trials, please contact for additional information.


Execute Decision Component Configuration

Before using the Execute Decision component in any of your processes, it must be configured with an Authorization Code and Execution Service Base URL. This information can be found under the configuration tab in the InRule SaaS portal. Make sure to include the “APIKEY” portion Authorization code, as it is required.

The component can be configured in the Space settings in Process Automation. In the space settings, you will select the Execute Decision component from the Business components list and update it with the information from your portal. 

Process setup

One step you will need to take is adding InRule Service account to your process. This will allow the Process Automation extension in irAuthor to retrieve information on any forms in the process and use them as entities when creating decisions. Any forms you would like to use in irAuthor must have the InRule Service Account added to the process, otherwise, the forms will not be accessible. 

To add the InRule Service account to your process, open the process settings and select permissions.  

Select Add new user/group and search for the “InRule Service” account. Under Process permissions, select full control. Clicking Add will add the service account to your process. See this article for more information about Process permissions. 

Adding the Execute Decision Component to your Process 

The Execute Decision component can be found in the components tab of your process editor, under Services. 

After dragging the component into the canvas, add the desired data object as an input to the Execute Decision component. 

Then edit the component settings to point to your desired Rule App, Rule Set, or Decision. Additionally, if you wish to use notifications, you can specify the form field to which you want to output the notifications. 

Using the Execute Decision component 

After configuring the Execute Decision Component and adding it to your Process, you will now be able to use any of your Rule Apps, Rule Sets, or Decisions when running your process. After you start your process, your form will be sent off to the execution service, which will perform any changes and return them to Process Automation to update your form. For example, if we have a simple decision that modifies an input and writes notifications, your form may start like this: 

The decision will now run and update the form accordingly.