You can assign performer rights in different ways in your application, in this article we will describe how it works and which settings that will override others performer rights settings.


The most usual ways to configure which performers that shall have the right to interact in your application is in the application settings (when you deploy your application). You can add groups, individuals or role mappers 

Another usual way is when you have included different assign methods in your process model, e.g assign role from form field or assign role on a sequence flow. 

However if you need to change the performer on an active task or instance there are different ways to accomplish that:

  1. From the instance configuration - Read more: Manage the instance

  2. Replace user - Read more: Replace User

  3. Share tasks function in the task view - Read more: Share tasks

Please note that the following hierarchy applies when assigning performers either in your configuration or when sharing or replacing a task.

  1. Changing performer in instance configuration . 

  2. Assign performer from process model, either with script task och on your sequence flow

  3. Groups, individuals or role mappers on your application configuration when deploying

NOTE: Since the instance configuration is highest in the hierarchy this may affect the solution in different ways. Therefore please use this functionality with caution.

NOTE: Groups, individuals and role mappers are equally prioritized from a hierarchically perspective

NOTE: If you have filters on the lane in the process model, (eg all performers, previous  performer, all previous performers) this has an effect on the role assignment. 

For example if you have the filtered function last performer and role mapper configured, the filter function will out rule the role mapper.  in your application configuration the filter function will  and then share a task with another user and have previous performer in the lane the previous performer settings out rule the role mapper.