Get all lists: GET /v1.0/lists

VERBHeaderResource/Id/ SelectorDescriptionParametersReturn data
GETTicket/v1.0/listsGet all the lists that the user has access to for the space for the current API-key

Access type (int), Created (datetime), Created by (string), Id (string), Name (string), Type (string)
GETTicket/v1.0/lists/{Id}Get info about what columns are returned in the list

Id (string), Name (string), Created (datetime), Type (string), Created by (string), Access type (int), Column data; Data index (string), Name (string), Data type (string), Hidden (bool), Sortable(bool)
GETTicket/v1.0/lists/ {Id}/data
Get an array of objects where its properties correspond with the column's data index and where "value" is the value for that particular column.
skip (int),
take (int),
sortkey (string),
sortdir (string),
filter (string),
fromCreatedDate (datetime),
toCreatedDate (datetime),
fromActivityDate (datetime) [Only applicable on Instances lists],
toActivityDate (datetime) [Only applicable on Instances lists]
An array of objects where its properties correspond with the column's data index and where "value" is the value for that particular column
GETTicket/v1.0/lists/ {Id}/count
Get the total count of list objects
filter (string),
fromCreatedDate (datetime),
toCretedDate (datetime),
fromActivityDate (datetime) [Only applicable on Instances lists],
toActivityDate (datetime) [Only applicable on Instances lists]
Total count (int)