Note: This endpoint is cached for 15 seconds. If you make the exact same call within these 15 seconds, you will receive cached data

Get types: GET /Types

Gets types that are used as select fields and multi select fields in forms.

VERBHeaderResource/Id/SelectorDescriptionParametersReturn data
GETTicket/typesGets a list of available types.(Start (int))
(Max (int)) 
Total Count (int):

Data (array):
TypeNamespace (string)
Name (string)
Description (string)
GETTicket/Types/{TypeNamespace}Gets metadata for the specific typeTypeNamespace (string)Object:
TypeNamespace (string)
Name (string)
Description (string)
GETTicket/Types/{TypeNamespace}/TypeInstancesGets a list of values for the typeTypeNamespace (string)Array of TypeInstances for the Type:
Id (string)
ParentId (string)
KeyValue (string)
Name (string)
Description (string)