GET /Tasks
Gets information about Tasks
VERB | Header | Resource/Id/Selector | Description | Parameters | Return data |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks | List available tasks. Filter active and completed tasks by Status ['ready', 'completed'] | (Status (string)) (Start (int)) (Max (int)) | Totalcount (int) Data (array): Id (string) Name (string) Description (string) Status (string) CreatedDate (date) CompletedDate (date) CompletedBy (string) InstanceName (string) ApplicationName (string) Locked (bool) PerformPermission (bool) On error: If no tasks are available then an empty array is returned. |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id} | Get metadata for a task | Id (string) | Object: Id (string) Name (string) Description (string) Status (string) CreatedDate (date) CompletedDate (date) CompletedBy (string) CompletedByUserId (string) InstanceName (string) InstanceId (string) ApplicationName (string) ApplicationId (string) Locked (bool) PerformPermission (bool) |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/Objects | Lists available objects in a task, such as forms, files and folders | Id (string) (Start (int)) (Max (int)) | Totalcount (int) Data (array): Id (string) Name (string) Description (string) Type (string) Container (bool) Renditions (array of string) On error: If no objects are available then an empty array is returned. |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/Objects/{Id} | Shows metadata for one specific object. | Id (string) | Object: ParentId (string) ReferenceId (string) Name (string) Description (string) Type (string) ObjectClass (string) Container (bool) ReadOnly (bool) TypeNamespace (string) TemplateId (string) FileType (string) |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/Objects/{Id}/fields | Use if the object is a ObjectClass:dataforms.dataform which means that it is a form containing form fields. Returns a list of fields that can be viewed and changed for the specific task. The API will only return the fields that should be viewed in the specific task. It will also calculate which fields should be ReadOnly or not. | Id (string) | Data (array) Id (string) Name (string) DataType (string) FieldType (string) Value (string) FieldTypeNamespace (string) ReadOnly (bool) AllowBlank (bool) Index (int) |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/References | Lists available references for a task, such as instructions, governing documents and URL links. | Id (string) | TotalCount (int) Data (array of reference objects): ReferenceType (string) Name (string) (URL (string)) (ObjectReference (object)) On error: If no references are available then an empty array is returned. |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/References/{Id} | Lists available references for a task that exist in a container object | Id (string) | TotalCount (int) Data (array of reference objects): ReferenceType (string) Name (string) If ReferenceType is url URL (string) If ReferenceType is file FileType (string) ObjectReference (object) |
GET | Ticket | /Tasks/{Id}/Image | Get the image rendition for a process model with extra information about the task. | Id (string) (ZoomFactor (float)) (Width (int)) (Height (int)) | Binary data: PNG image |