Get dataform template information: GET /DataFormTemplates

Get templates and template information used to create data objects and forms.

VERBHeaderResource/Id/SelectorDescriptionParametersReturn data
GETTicket/DataFormTemplatesLists available dataform templates used to create new form objects(Start (int))
(Max (int))
Totalcount (int)

Data (array):
Id (string)
ReferenceId (string)
ObjectClass (string)
Name (string)
Description (string)
TypeNamespace (string)
CreatedDate (date)
ChangedDate (date)
GETTicket/DataFormTemplates/{Id}Gets metadata for a specific templateId (string)
(VersionId (string))

Id (string)
ReferenceId (string)
ObjectClass (string)
Name (string)
Description (string)
TypeNamespace (string)
CreatedDate (date)
ChangedDate (date)
GETTicket/DataFormTemplates/{Id}/FieldsLists all fields in an object template.Id (string)
(VersionId (string)) (Start (int)default=0
(Max (int) default=200
Array of field objects:

Id (string)
Name (string)
DataType (string)
FieldType (string)
FieldTypeNamespace (string)
ReadOnly (bool)
Index (int)


Gets the template definition for a specific template.

Id( string)Object:

definition (string)
isHtmlForm (bool)
stylesheet (string)
javascript (string)

Note: stylesheet and javascript is only populated if the form is an HtmlForm.

Example max and start for GET/Ticket/DataFormTemplates/{Id}/Fields
To receive 4500 items

Call 1: max = 2000, start = 0          Receive the first 2000 first items.

Call 2: max = 2000, start = 2000    Receive item 2001 to 4000.

Call 3: max = 2000, start = 4000    Receive item 4001 to 4500. If you receive less than 2000 items back, then you know that there are no more items to ask for.