You can involve more people that are able to help in administrative tasks by using Contract Administrators with permissions to administer all or parts of a contract and its settings including users, spaces and more.


How to add Contract Administrators

Contract Administrators are managed in the section Administrators in Manage contract. To add a new administrator click on Add new administrator and select the user from the list. You can only choose users who have already been added to the contract.

NOTE:  The first contact administrator must be added by the contract owner.   


By default, an administrator will have permissions to administer all parts of the Contract. In the list with administrators it is possible to change the permissions using the checkboxes for managing the contract, spaces, users and other contract administrators. Setting permissions to contract administrators is a useful way of ensuring that parts of the contract can be administered by other people.


This will enable or disable menu selections in the Contract Administration for the administrator. 

NOTE: The contract owner will always have all permissions.


This is how the Contract Management menu for a contract administrator with only Manage users and Manage administrators permissions. 

When to use Contract Administrators

Contract Administrators makes it possible for the Contract Owner to delegate the administration of spaces and users within a contract.