If you have at least View permission to an application (see article Application permissions) you get access to its Process Performance Dashboard. The Dashboard is available from the Application Overview. To reach it, follow these steps:

1. Go to Build > Process apps.

2. Double-click the process application you wish to monitor (if it is not on the list, make sure you are in the right spaces and that you have at least View permission to the application).

3. Choose the tab Process Performance Dashboard to the right (see the red mark in the picture below).

What the dashboard shows

The Process Performance Dashboard shows nine different portlets with information and general process KPIs that are applicable to most processes. The dashboard shows data from all process Instances in all versions of the process application within a selected time span. At the moment it is not possible to drill down in any of the diagrams or select filters apart from a time span.

Application information 

Shows summarized information about the application, such as when the application was created, last changed, frequency of usage and so on. 

Currently ongoing tasks

Shows what tasks that at the moment are waiting to be performed. If hovering the diagram, information about the number of occurrences of a specific task will be shown, and the percentage of those occurrences in relation to the total number of all tasks waiting to be performed.      

Average throughput time

Shows the average time in days that it has taken for completed instances in the application to go from end to end in the process.  

Created, completed and ongoing instances

Shows what is going on and what has happened in the application, in terms of how many instances that have been created, completed and ongoing within the selected time span. 

Process endpoints

Shows how the instances within the application ended. Convenient if the process has multiple end events and you want to understand which path through the process that is the most common etc. If hovering the diagram, the name of the end event will be shown, also the number of times the end event has occurred and the percentage of those occurrences in relation to all end event occurrences within the selected time span. 

Process startpoints

Shows how the instances within the application have been started. Convenient if the process has multiple start events and you want to understand how and by which role the process usually is started etc. If hovering the diagram, the name of the start event will be shown, also the number of times the process has been started from a specific start event and the percentage of those occurrences in relation to all start event occurrences within the selected time span. 

Tasks performed per user

Shows which users working in the application and the number of tasks each user has been performed within the selected time span. 

Calendar time spent per task

Shows the average lead time for different tasks within a selected time span. Can be useful when to identify potential bottlenecks in the process.

Task completion time data

Lists all different types of tasks that have been completed within the selected time span and shows how many tasks of each type that have been completed. It also shows fastest, slowest and average time for completion in each type of task.   


Filtering and information

You can filter the dashboards to show instances from preferred time spans. In the dashboards you can see the average throughput time for the process, how many created, completed and ongoing instances there are in the application and where the instances started and ended. You can also get stats about the calendar time spent per task in the process and see the fastest, slowest and average time spent per task. This is an easy way to identify potential bottlenecks in the workflow!