When you open a task you will either see the task overview or the form, depending how the task is configured.
Click here for information how to configure the task view.
The task overview is always available from the menu, and it is often displayed next to the menu when you open a task. The overview contains:
- When the task arrived.
- Which participant the task is assigned to.
- The task deadline (if there is any).
- Comments from previous users (if there are any).
- Task instructions, possibly with selected form field data.
- Task and instance information (when the instance was started, by whom it was started and for how long it has been active).
NOTE: A users that has Full Control (i.e. is an Application Administrator) will see a small cog-wheel beside the task deadline and be able to set or change the deadline for the task.
You will find the forms that is available for the task in the right menu under "review request". The forms can have status view or edit depending on what you are allowed to do with the forms
To edit an editable form, just open it from the menu and make your changes.
After you have edit a form you can either press "Save all changes" or press "Complete task".
Save all changes, will let you save the changes in the form and continue work within the task.
Complete task, will save all changes and complete the task. and the process will move forward.
The Menu
The smaller area to the right is a menu giving you access to other task content. This is also where you save changes and complete the task. You can also read comments, lock the task to prevent others from performing it (lock symbol) and share it to others with a permission to view, edit or perform the task. See the picture below for details.
Content folder
If this option is turned on by the application administrator, the content folder is available from the menu (see picture above). Click on it to open the folder in the area to the right. Here you find forms, documents and other files related to the process instance. You can also add subfolders using the folder icon at the top right corner as well as upload new files using the other icon at the top or just drag and drop a file to the area under the listed content.
NOTE: There are few restrictions for what type of files you can upload or download. Most common office administrative files such as; PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, PNG, GIF, JPG has an additional preview property, since these are common file types. This type of common files is also opened conveniently upon download to make it easier for you. A limit worth mentioning regarding data size, is that you are only able to upload files with the total data size of 20 MB at once.
Delete files
To delete a file, select it in the content folder and click on the red basket bin to the right.
NOTE: You can’t delete files that are connected to a form field, they has to be removed through the form.
NOTE: Some files are considered unsafe extensions, because these could have potentially concealed information harmful to the user. Files with the suffix displayed below are files that we consider to be an unsafe extension. These files cannot be open directly from Barium Live an will always be downloaded via a separate link so that it may be reviewed before you open it:
".A6P", ".AC", ".AS", ".ACR", ".ACTION", ".AIR", ".APP", ".APP", ".AWK", ".BAT", ".CGI", ".CMD", ".COM", ".CSH", ".DEK", ".DLD", ".DS", ".EBM", ".ESH", ".EXE", ".EZS", ".FKY", ".FRS", ".FXP", ".GADGET", ".HMS", ".HTA", ".ICD", ".INX", ".IPF", ".ISU", ".JAR", ".JS", ".JSE", ".JSX", ".KIX", ".LUA", ".MCR", ".MEM", ".MPX", ".MS", ".MSI", ".MST", ".OBS", ".PAF", ".PEX", ".PIF", ".PRC", ".PRG", ".PVD", ".PWC", ".PY", ".PYC", ".PYO", ".QPX", ".RBX", ".REG", ".RGS", ".ROX", ".RPJ", ".SCAR", ".SCR", ".SCRIPT", ".SCT", ".SHB", ".SHS", ".SPR", ".TLB", ".TMS", ".U3P", ".UDF", ".VB", ".VBE", ".VBS", ".VBSCRIPT", ".WCM", ".WPK", ".WS", ".WSF", ".XQT"
Share tasks
If you want to share your task with someone else use the little arrow at the top right. Choose if the invited user can View, Edit or Perform the task or if you want to Assign the task and upcoming tasks to a new performer.
If you choose to share the task with View as user right, the invited user can only view the task he or she may not edit or complete the task as this is restricted. By sharing a task with the user right to edit the invited user will only able to edit the information in the form and save changes, he or she will not able to complete the task.
If you indent to share a single task with the user right to perform it, enabling the invited user both edit and complete the task share as perform is the right option.
As stated above if your intention is to share the task and all upcoming tasks for a specific role, Assign task would be the best option. Remember that if you choose to share as Assign task the user sharing the task will lose his or her user right to perform the task, if the user name is not included in the field of users and groups the task is shared with.
NOTE: Worth mentioning regarding restrictions of the share as functionality in correlation with a role mapped lane. Is that if there are an active role map at the specific lane you may choose to share as; View, Edit or Perform with all users in the space. However, if you intend to share as Assign task in order to transfer the user rights to perform the current task and upcoming tasks this will not be possible, as no additional user names will appear. Except the specific role mapped users that will be available and displayed. If the intention is to share as Assign task in correlation with a rolemapper the role mapped field must be changed, possibly by a space admin. It will then be possible to use the Assign task utility to transfer the user right for the current task and upcoming tasks successfully.
More actions
A common action under the More actions heading is Add form. Forms that are configured to be optional output from a task (administrators, please see the Forms (object templates & data objects) and associations article) will show up here. Click on Add form (or Add Report in this case), fill in the new form template and click Save to save the new form to the Content folder.
Resources incl. process model
Links and guiding documents are available under Resources. The Process model might be hidden depending on the settings made by the application administrator. If it is available, just click on it to see the model.