The application overview page can be accessed from Process Applications in the drop down menu and will list all deployed processes within the space that you have at least Instance Permissions set to View.
Note: You need to have Build user rights to be able to see process applications. Read more about user rights here.
To be able to see the application in the list, you need to have the Process permissions set to View.
By clicking on an application, you will access the Instance Overview page, where all instances that are created are listed for that application.
If you double-click on an instance, you will access the Instance view.
On the right side of the page you will find the the following functions. You will only see all of these options if you have Full Control permission to an application:
Process Page: Will open the process overview page
Application configuration: Here you can edit the application, for example: access the form editor, enable external start events.
Event log: If an error has occurred in the application it will be listed here.
Replace user: Transfer the rights from one user to another.
Download all data: This will generate an excel file with all form data i the process application.