How to create extended value lists
1. Value lists are created and edited under Space setting. Navigate to the Space setting page and click Value lists in the left panel menu.
2. To create an extended value list, click on Create extended value list.
Note: If you cannot see the option, "Create extended value list", please contact
3. You can enter values manually or paste them from Excel in which case the interface understands what columns and rows each value goes in. Max character is 200 in the key column and 500 in the value columns.
Note: To avoid copying the format of an excel text, try to paste the plain text only. Example: Using the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+V can accomplish this in Chrome.
Note: The maximum number of rows is 1000 and the maximum number of columns is 20.
4. You can right click to add/remove rows and columns. You can rename columns by clicking the label and typing in a new name. This is used when referencing the values inside a form.
5. You need to add a reference name to your list that will be used in forms to call upon the list.
6. You can automatically generate key values by ticking the checkbox.
7. By checking the box "External value list" you can manage the value list via an API or Business Integration Agent (BIA). It is possible to synchronize values from Excel, CSV, XML and MSSQL
WARNING: If "External value list" is checked and the value list is saved. You will no longer be able to view or edit the value list from Process Automation. The Value list will only be reachable via API.
7. Value lists are exclusive to one space only. When you have one or more value lists in a space they will be presented like in the picture below. You are free to edit or remove lists using the buttons to the right. If the list is used however, a warning message will be issued and you will not be able to delete the value list unless you've freed up its connections.
How to use extended value lists
Extended value lists are mainly used in forms, You will find the extend value list under Metadata fields (Extended value list) on the left panel. Value lists helps you steer what data input end users can submit and can be used for instance to steer gateways in your processes.
1. In order to reference an extended value list, select it from the left side panel and add it to your form canvas just like any ordinary field. The first column will be the default value to be displayed in the field.
2. In order to reference corresponding columns after making the initial selection in the main field, simply add as many fields as you wish and add the attribute valueFrom and type in the name of the field followed by the name of the column. For example: employees.B
How to search in an extended value list
When typing a word the search will score the word that is being written last even if its' only a couple of characters and not a fully composed word. This is called a prefix search were the last composition of written characters gets displayed and scored as they are written.
If you were to write the word "Går" the search will display all matching written characters first and the values with the highest score in a descending order. However an exact definition of the word is recommended since this will display and score every value where that specific word are to be found.
If you were to add a second word, the matching combination of words will get the highest score in this case "Vagnhallen Gårda, Göteborg". But it will also display the words that match the second written word in this case "Göteborg". If you start to write a third word, the search will react and prioritise those characters first in the search.
Note: An exact match will get highly scored. However, the last written word, even if it is only a couple of characters, will get the highest score in a search. Only the 100 first values will be displayed in the scroll list. In order to access any other potential values a search will have to be performed according to the description above.