The External Instance Overview Page is a feature that can be activated for a process application.
This will activate a URL for a web page that can display information regarding a specific instance. The URL can be e-mailed and shared to external users to allow them to follow the status of their process instance.
This can be compared to the Pack Track features that postal services offer with capabilities to design the information that is shown and to allow the external user to see detailed information about their process instance.
Activate the External Instance Overview Page
To activate the External Instance Overview Page you need to:
- Go to the Application Configuration settings for the specific process application
- Click on the tab External Users
- Click on the check box External Instance Overview Page
- A URL link will automatically show up under the check box.
Edit the Content Page
To edit the page content, click on the button Edit Overview Page. This will open the editor where you can create and edit the content of the page and design the layout of the information to create a custom, user friendly and adapted status for your process.
Edit the content of the page in the same way you would edit a document. Use the top menu to design and layout the page using the common layout buttons.
For even more control, click on the Show HTML button to toggle to an HTML editing mode where you have even more layout capabilities.
Note! HTML editing is an advance feature that requires that you are knowledgeable about how HTML works and are experienced in using HTML.
It is possible to present information from the instance by using Variables. Variables presents information from forms, tasks and other data that exist in the instance. For example you can present text from a form field on the page to allow external users. It could be a comment, a decision or other relevant information that allows the external user to understand the status of their instance.
Adding variables
Variables added by clicking on the button Variables on the top right of the editor. This will present a list of available variables that you can add. Click on a variable and it will be added where you have your cursor. A variable always starts and ends with a dollar sign ($). The variable will be replaced with its content when you open the External Instance Overview Page via the link. If there is no data in the variable it will not show any information at all.
Fields from Data Form
These variables vary between process applications. Here you can see all the form fields that exist in the process application. Depending on the name of the form and fields this list will look differently. Use these variables to present information that is filled in when the instance is started or that have been filled in by a participant in the process as the tasks in the process are being completed.
Fields from Process variables
These are variables that exist for all instances. The variables in this list are the same regardless of your process application settings. Use these variables to present information about the instance.
Note: Some of these variables will not present any information unless specifically configured in the process model or process application.
How to share the URL to external users
When you click on the check box Activate external Instance Overview Page a unique URL will show up automatically.$$
This link will not work since the $$ part of the URL must be replaced with the unique Instance ID.
The External Instance Overview page can only be accessed once an instance has been created. By writing the Instance ID at the end of the URL you will receive information for that specific instance on the page. However, the Instance ID is a 40-character ID which is impossible for users to remember. Therefore there are other, better ways to share the URL which can be automated.
Add the URL to the Confirmation message page
Custom External Start Confirmation Messages is something that can be configured for process applications that are supposed to be triggered externally, by external users. One Barium Best Practice would be to add the link$$ to the External Instance Overview Page to the custom message so that the external user immediately can click on the link to access the page.
Add the URL to custom e-mail confirmation message
Another Barium Best Practice is to use a message event to generate a custom message that also contains the link$$ as part of the e-mail message so that the external customer can click on the link at any time to see the status of his/her instance.
A good idea is to send more e-mail messages to the external user as tasks are being completed with information that the process has been passed forward and that they can see information and updates by visiting the External Instance Overview Page.