The role mapper is a feature on Barium Live designed to use form data to assign task permissions to a specific user. By using a Value list you can assign which value shall correspond with which user/group.

For example, you have a process that looks like this:

In the step called Review work order the performer can choose to send the request to a specific department. By using a Role Mapper you filter the possible performers according to a drop down list in your form and only the performers in this role connected to the chosen value in the drop down gets the upcoming tasks.

How to create and set a Role Mapper as participant

To set up your Role mapper you first need to create a Value list. This list contains the values of the drop down to wish you will map users and groups.

1. Go to Space administration and select Role mapper in the left hand menu.

2. Click Add new.

3. Fill in the name and description of the Role Mapper. In the field Value list you choose which of your lists you want to use to map users and groups to its values. In the last field Default account set a default user wish will receive the task in case the role mapper cannot find a user mapped to a value.

4. In the next step, you select which groups or users shall correspond to which values. Click the empty field to the right of the value and start typing the name of the user or group to add it to the role mapper. In the picture below, There are two groups added to two of the values and one user added to one of the values. There is also a value that has not yet been connected to a group or a user.  

If you only want to see values that is undefined you can check the box "Only show undefined values" on the right side.   

The numbers within the brackets indicate how many users are within that group. 

NOTE: The value within the bracket also includes subgroups. 


If you add an empty group to the role mapper, the row will be marked red, indicating that there are no users in the group. 

To administrate a group, you can click on the group icon to the far right of the row.  You will then be redirected to the assigned group. 

5. Now you need to add your value list to a form connected to the application. Open the form editor and drag and drop the field from the folder called Metadata Fields (single select) in the Toolbox.
Don't forget to save the form.

NOTE: That a role mapper are only compatible with a single select field and are incompatible with a multi select field.

6. Deploy your application and map your created Role Mapper to the role which the mapped group or user should be assigned.

When to use Role mappers

Use Role Mappers when you want to set performers depending on a chosen value in a form field. For an example when you want to send the upcoming tasks to all the electricians if in the incoming support question form the question area is chosen to be in the electrician area.

You can also use Role Mappers together with Assign Roles, then the performers possible to choose can be filtered depending on a chosen value in a form field.

Summary of setting up a Role mapper:

1. Create a value list 
2. Create a Role mapper and choose the value list you want to use and then select which groups or users shall correspond to which values.
3. Make sure that your value list is added to the form in the application in which you need a role mapper.
4. Deploy your process
5.  Add your Role Mapper to the role which the mapped group or user should be assigned.