You can download and upload a BPMN 2.0 processes from and to spaces. This allows you to copy and reuse processes in more than one space. When you download a process it will contain all form templates, attached files and images that exist in the process in a file with a .bmap extension. This file can be uploaded to an existing process model or to a new process.

NOTE: There is also a copy function but that only works if you want your copy in the same space. Use the download and upload function if you want the copy to be saved in another space. 

How to download a process model from the process page

1. Go to the process page of the desired process model

TIP: If you don't want to download the latest published version, open the modeler, choose a different draft or version and then select Go to process page (Version/Draft XX) .

2. Open the drop down menu and select Download

How to download a process model from the process list

1. Select the desired process model

2. Click on More actions and select Download as a file

How to upload a process model

1. Go to the Process list

2. Select Upload BPMN 2.0 Process

3. Browse to and select your .bmap-file

4. Optional - change the name of the new process

5. Click OK


Value lists in uploaded processes

If you have downloaded a process from one space and then upload it to another one and the process include a Value List in a form, then this Value List wont be transfered through the downloaded application hence Value Lists are specific to each space. 

This will trigger an error message when opening the form editor or starting a new instance. 

How to replace the Value List

Create a new Value List for the values you wish to have in the drop down, after creating it click on Edit and copy the NameSpace. Go back to the form editor and select the drop down with the previous Value List, replace the value in typeNamespacewith the copied namespace from your new Value List.