Add timer settings on events to trigger start events, create delays and/or timed breaks according to form variables, relative to other task or instance data, or depending on time schedule.
NOTE: The timer trigger does not work on non-interrupting boundary events. Discover all BPMN 2.0 symbols in our BPMN 2.0 poster.
NOTE: On start events only the schedule settings are available. This is because the instance must be started before you can create timers depending on the instance content.
Once a timer been activated, it is not possible to reschedule it.
How to configure timer events
1. Double-click the event you want to set up and the settings view opens.
2. Click on Add new event trigger and select timer event, the clock symbol.
3. Click on Configure timer events
4. The Settings timer opens. Here you have the sections Simple, Advanced and Schedule, read more about the available settings below
5. Complete your settings and click on save
The simple settings timer view
In the simple settings timer view you can set the trigger to relate to the time the intermediate event first was accessed.
Set your numeric value and then choose your time frame.
Available time frames:
- Minute
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Weekday
- Month
- Year
NOTE: Timer events can be tricky and complex, but you always see a written description of your configuration under the settings. If you want help you are always welcome to contact our support!
I.e. as in the example below "This event will trigger one day after the process reaches this stage"
The advanced settings timer view
In the advanced settings timer view you can set the triggers to relate to a series of different time frames according to a series of different values.
The syntax of the settings are: [Number] [Time unit] [According to] [Action] at [Time]
The selections you can use are:
- Any number at all or see the section How to set a timer trigger depending on a form field below.
Time unit:
- Minute
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Weekday
- Month
- Year
According to:
- After
- Before (this setting can only be used with the action Form field)
- Other task created - Use the eye-icon to visibly select the "other task"
- Other task completed - Use the eye-icon to visibly select the "other task"
- Other task deadline - Use the eye-icon to visibly select the "other task"
- Form field
- Instance created
- Reaching this stage
- The Time setting is not mandatory and the default value depends on the action creation/completion time. If you use the Time unit Hours, Time can not be set.
NOTE: Timer events can be tricky and complex, but you always see a written description of your configuration under the settings. If you want help you are always welcome to contact our support!
I.e. as in the example below "This event will trigger one day after the instance is created"
The schedule settings timer view
In the schedule settings the timer can be configured to trigger on time schedule.
You can choose the interval types Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly, see more details below.
Set the time of the day you wish the timer to trigger on.
If you want the timer to include weekends (Saturday and Sunday) mark the checkbox seen in the section.
Enter the time and the weekly specific days you wish the timer to trigger on.
Enter the time and the day(s) of the month you wish the timer to trigger on.
Here you have a selection to choose a relative day through the drop downs or specific days through the calendar view.
In the drop downs you can choose first, second, third, fourth, fifth and last day, weekend day, week day or specific week day.
NOTE: If a day does not exist for the current month, the timer will not trigger. I.e if you choose the fifth monday, that day will not occur for every month.
Enter the time, month(s) and day(s) you wish the timer to trigger on. For the day selection, see details under Monthly above.
NOTE: Timer events can be tricky and complex, but you always see a written description of your configuration under the settings. If you want help you are always welcome to contact our support!
How to set a timer trigger depending on a form field
If you want to set a trigger with a numeric value specified in a form then click on the icon to the right of the value input box. A new row appears asking you to specify which data object and which field name you want to collect the data from.
NOTE: This can only be done in the Advanced view.
When to use timer events
Timer events can add powerful features to react on time. You can pause a process, cancel activities and configure timer events to react on fixed dates and times or dynamically on information in the process or forms.