Dropbox is one of the ready integrated document management systems among the Integration Services on Barium Live.
This makes it possible to browse and connect Dropbox documents to processes.
How to enable Dropbox integration service
1. Go to Space settings
2. Select Integrations
3. Two sections are shown, one for Integrations and one for Integration Services. To add a Dropbox service click on "Add" under the Integration Services area.
4. A new window is opened. Select Dropbox in the integration services list, add a name and an optional description, then click on "Add".
The description is shown when hovering the integration service icon when adding and linking files to the processes in the modeling tool. If you don't specify a description the default text "Link a file from your Dropbox account" is shown.
4. The service is now active and listed under Integration Service. It can be found and used in the modeling tool for every process in the space.