SAML 2.0 is a standard that makes it possible to connect an Identity Provider that is used in a company with InRule Process Automation to achieve Single Sign On (SSO). This basically means that users will be able to log into Process Automation using the username and password that they have on their computers. It also allows customers to automate user synchronization from internal catalog services and Process Automation which can completely remove the need to manually add, remove or update user accounts and details in Process Automation.

It requires that you have an Identity Provider that supports SAML 2.0 that Process Automation has built support for and that we configure the connection to Process Automation together with you as a customer. Depending on your needs, the setup can be customized in a number of different ways.

In order to get access to this feature, please check this article for details and information on what is required and how it can be set up. 

How it works:

Imagine we have a user called Lisa that has a task she needs to complete in Process Automation.

She has received a link from Process Automation to access the task.  

If her organization does not use Single Sign On (SSO), she will be redirected to the login page for Process Automation where she must enter her email address and password. 

But, if her organization uses SAML she will go directly to the task. This is because the SAML will send a protocol message from the Service Provider (SP) in this case Process Automation to an Identity provider (IDP). The IDP is a service that can be located on ADFS server of the organization for example. It will look up Lisa's credentials and send them back to the SP to verify that Lisa has the right to access the task.