Lists are located under Run in the main menu. 

In the Lists view, you will find your My tasks list which functions like an inbox where you can perform tasks and monitor process instances. You can also create your own lists and use lists shared with you by other users.

Default lists

Activity lists let you receive, list, filter, and open tasks and process instances. The default lists are My tasks, All instances, and My started instances

These are turned on by administrators in Space settings, so if you do not see these lists, it means they have not been turned on. 

Personal lists

You also have access to your personally created lists, both listed under My lists and under possible list categories, and lists shared to you. Learn how to create a list in the article Create your first list and learn more about categories in the article List categories.

  • My lists
  • Lists shared to me
  • List category

You can choose to present information that is entered into forms in your instances. This way you can easily get a customized overview of the work and progress of any chosen application, and even export data to Excel. Read more about the Excel export in List actions.

Sorting and grouping

When hovering over a column header, another arrow appears. When clicking on it you find sorting and grouping options. The default setting groups the list by date, and sorts it descending by date. Often it is useful to select Group By This Field on the Application column or use the filter Sort Ascending, for example.

List actions

Read more about other List actions.